We may still be in lockdown, but my goodness what a busy time in the village recently. The wild flower meadow is looking absolutely stunning, and the new sections are looking just as good, with the addition of the poppies that we saw last year. The cornflowers are providing a beautiful colour, the teasles are shooting up, and the foxgloves are showing their spikes in a few places. And doesn’t the WI sunflower look at home!
We’ve had the Garden Competition, and luckily the weather held out, and the Open Gardens, where we weren’t quite so lucky. Well done to John and Annie Madigan for organising the Open Gardens – I understand we had a lot more visitors than normal. We also had the official opening of the Heritage Boards on the same day, which was very well attended and may have encouraged more visitors. And, of course, the yarn bombing is adding colour to the village as well.
Gardens are looking splendid, despite the blips in the weather, and hopefully everyone is gearing up for the September show! Have you made your gin? Designed your gin label? Are you nurturing your potatoes and flowers? We look forward to seeing lots of entries in the Show on 5th September.
Enjoy the summer in the garden.