What is a Neighbourhood Development Plan?
The Localism Act 2011 sets out a ‘series of measures with the potential to achieve a substantial and lasting shift in power away from Central Government and towards local people’. It offers residents of an area the chance to have a say in the future development of that area, through the production of a Neighbourhood Plan.
In Kilsby, a Steering Group was set up in June 2014 to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan for the village up to 2029, on behalf of the Parish Council. Between August 2014 and June 2015 information was obtained from all households to give residents the opportunity to identify the key issues, problems and aspirations to be tackled in the years ahead and a formal consultation period was held. These initiatives led to a draft plan being prepared and revised, with the final version submitted to Daventry District Council. Following an independent examination the final plan was made on 22 July 2016.
Since that time, in February 2020, Daventry District adopted the Settlements and Countryside Local Plan (Part 2) for Daventry District 2011-2029. Along with this and revisions to the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework issued in July 2021, it was necessary to review the original NDP and also incorporate new evidence, such as the Kilsby Conservation Area Designation and the updated Kilsby Housing Needs Survey. This review commenced in 2021and following public consultation and independent examination, the West Northamptonshire Council’s Planning Policy Committee agreed to “make” the revised NDP on 28 June 2022. The Plan will come into effect on 6 July 2022.
Made Neighbourhood Development Plans in Daventry District.
Along with the Review of the Neighbourhood Development Plan, a set of Design Codes has been established to inform developments which may take place in the village. Click Image below for a copy of the Made Review Plan